The home depot
Pest Control

Insect & Pest Control

Global Commerce Systems
a Home Depot Company




Assignment: To examine the existing online shopping experience for pest control products on and develop an initial presentation aimed at stakeholders, outlining a proposed enhancement of the User Experience (UX). This presentation should incorporates hand-drawn sketches & wireframes to illustrate the improvements.

Problem Statement: Customers seeking solutions for pests, rodents, or weed issues face uncertainty regarding the most suitable products to address their problems.


  • Comprehensive Review: I conduct a thorough analysis of the current pest control shopping experience on identifying key pain points and areas for improvement.
  • User-Centric Design Proposals: I based on my review, I propose enhancements to the current UX that make it easier for customers to identify and purchase the most appropriate pest control solutions. These proposals is supported by visual aids such as sketches and wireframes.
  • Use of UX Techniques: I leverage suitable UX techniques to justify my design decisions. These included user research, personas, customer journey maps, usability testing, or any other methods that informed my design process.
  • Consideration of Constraints: While there were no initial restrictions on technology or design, my proposal remained flexible to accommodate potential feedback, such as scope reduction or changes in requirements.

As A Bonus:

I Provided a high-level critique of the current online shopping experience for pest control on, focusing on:

  • Identification of Issues: I highlighted specific aspects of the experience that are lacking or could be significantly improved.

I included explanations why these identified issues detract from the overall user experience and how my proposed changes address these problems.

This critique served as the foundation for my proposed enhancements, illustrating the need for a more intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly shopping experience.

Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 1
Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 2
Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 3
Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 4
Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 5
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Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 7
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Home Depot: Enterprise UX/CX: Pest Control 9

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